Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Liberal Democrats

Heard over the weekend that Charles Kennedy has resigned as leader of the Lib Dems. After many months, even years, of denying a drink problem, he has finally come clean. Fine, honourable man? I think not. He only admitted the truth because the press were about to out him. So, a case of damage limitation. At least one of the Scots mafia, albeit a minor one, has been sent packing from England. Pity the more important ones in power (Blair, Brown etc.) are still with us, but from small acorns.........

Had to sit through a radio broadcast featuring Lembit Opik (Wales and Northern Ireland spokesman for the no hopers (Lib Dems)) supporting Charles Kennedy on the way home. Had to avoid the desire to end it all.

"He's so brave for admitting the problem."

"Denial is part of an alcohol problem."

First things first. It's not an "alcohol problem". It's being an alcoholic who can't stop pouring alcohol (probably Whiskey given the Scots link) down his throat. It's called self-control. He's not being brave, just admitting it before being hung out by the press and forced to admit to previous lies. Yes, denial (lying) is part of alcoholism, but having an unreformed alcoholic with his finger on the button (in Charles' wildest fantasies) is truly frightening. We have a reformed alcoholic in charge of the US and looks what's happened there....... Mr Opik even went on to try and suggest alcoholism was some sort of disease you caught. Alcoholism isn't something you pick up, it's something you do to yourself. Self-induced and Charles is now paying the price for being weak.

Anyway, having sat through Limbit Opik sucking up to his leader (at the time), I was rather taken by some interesting thoughts. Firstly, just add a 'T' to the surname and he could share a dram or two with his leader. Secondly, it's a miracle Limbit ever got elected as nobody seems able to pronounce his name, let alone remember it to vote for. Finally, what exactly does a Wales and Northern Ireland spokesman do now that Irish terrorism is at an end? Perhaps the Welsh Nationalists are expected to start another cottage burning campaign.


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