Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Well it had to happen didn't it. Tony Blair and New Labour have suddenly decided there isn't enough respect in society. What to do about it? Well, from this bunch it's obvious. Legislate. Even more red tape and rubbish laws that will never be used or will get challenged under the human rights act etc. Blair and co. seem to have forgotton that respect has to be earned and is learnt from others. When viewed like this, it's easy to see why there is so little respect in the country. Everyone has been watching and copying all the Labour MPs and ministers. From Peter Mandelson to Tony Blair, they're all at it. The truth seems to be whatever they believe or wish to hear at the time. Need a mortgage, no problem. Simply forget the other loans you have. We'd call it a crime, but it's just a minor memory slip to them. Being lectured on respect from this bunch is like being taught vegetarianism by Hannibal Lecter.

When interviewed on the Radio, Tony Blair admitted to smacking all but his youngest child. Young Leo seems somewhat blessed in missing out physical parental chastisement and by all appearances, the MMR. However, I digress. He commented (Tony not Leo) that most sensible adults know the difference between reasonable smacking and abuse. Shame social workers and others in authority don't!! However, Tony did add that many children had 'gone beyond this'. Presumably this means to a point where a simple smack is insufficient. What is he suggesting? Taking it to the next level? Pick axe handle, baseball bat or maybe a shotgun. Whilst I wouldn't disagree that some of the little b*****ds definately deserve this, I can't help thinking the average Labour lovvie would be shocked by the suggestion. Maybe it is simply an attempt to provide more work opportunities for his missus.

So, how do we get respect back into society? Is it by calming situations and talking quietly with our children as suggested in the radio interview? Well, no not really. Anyone who has attempted to discuss anything with a 5 year old will certainly understand that discussing good and bad behaviour in a way they are likely to understand is doomed to failure. Indeed, only those who possess the mental age of a toddler could possibly think this is going to work. I've no problem with trying it to start with, but stronger measures must surely follow when it fails. This is the problem. After talking with the children, these luvvies have nothing else to offer. When the talking fails, they are lost. So, the children continue to run riot with no control. The only thing worse than this, is those parents who don't even try to discipline their children.

So, what is to be done? Well, discipline starts at schools and this is where the problem starts. Teachers daren't touch a child for risking an allegation of abuse of some sort. Golden opportunity for the parents to claim compensation and basically make a real nuisance of themselves for their poor kid actually receiving some discipline. So, both the children and some parents are to blame. I was caned and slippered at school on several occasions and I can't see it did me any harm. In fact, it was preferable to all the other offences as it was done and dusted quickly. All the current system does is create loads of expelled kids. Well, they have to go somewhere. Unless the government creates barbed-wire compounds to contain them, it must be a school of some description. So, let's have more discipline and fewer expulsions. Fewer parents whinging about their poor child being hard done by and more responsibility shown by everyone.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I fear I must disagree with you final paragraph as it seems to be written by someone who has left discipline to some one else. This is just the problem we face in society today - actually doing something is always someone else's responsibility. Come on, discipline must start with the parents and it must start from the birth of the child. As an example, many parents find it a problem when their little one is charging around the house at all hours of the day and night. Children and babies need strict routine and that starts with bedtime - from birth. They must learn to sleep through having a regular bedtime and routine before sleep. This can start from birth and this is a foundation for good discipline. If sensible sleep patterns can't be established then I am afraid that you are on to a looser from day one - quite literally.

10:36 pm  
Blogger Sam Getsalot said...

Absolutely true and I stand corrected. A childs never too young to receive the strict routine and discipline that will stand it in good stead for the rest of their life. A crying baby is only trying to get attention and should be left to cry alone, thereby ensuring interruption free nights for the parents. I can see you would make an excellent nanny. Perhaps you have missed your vocation in life?

7:39 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sam Getsalot for PM!!!!

Oh and Felix it's difficult to ensure your child is in bed at the correct time when you are down the local pub!

1:23 pm  
Blogger Sam Getsalot said...

Absolutely true. However, if you chain them to the bed before you go, their location can be pretty much assured.

2:01 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or wait until they are 16 then the state will tag them and make sure they are at home on time!

2:03 pm  
Blogger Sam Getsalot said...

They'll certainly tag them, but their history of getting them home on time isn't good!!

2:04 pm  

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