Monday, January 23, 2006

Feminine Side

How many people out there know a man who has a highly developed feminine side? Well, are they really an example of ‘new man’, or this a device used by unscrupulous males to prey upon gullible young ladies. Mirroring is a common device used to gain the trust etc. of others. Therefore, by mirroring women, are these ‘new men’ simply trying to gain their trust before relieving them of their knickers and totally betraying it? Gay men are trusted and confided in far more by women, so it is common for these ‘new men’ to portray certain of these behaviours, hence the phrase ‘just camp enough’. In other words, just gay enough for women to trust them, but not gay enough to prevent it being taken advantage of.

Of course, this sort of man doesn’t fit in with all environments. For instance, the army. Whilst their success with women is obviously looked upon with great admiration by their colleagues, having a ‘group hug love-in’ before exiting the armoured personnel carrier and proceeding to battle is not really on. Indeed, without great care, this could easily lead to a ‘group beating’. Not what was intended. Prison is another location where displaying your feminine side is not good. Being ‘just camp enough’ could easily lead to being ‘just anally retentive’. Not a good place to be. Beware of strangers bearing soap!!

Whilst this feminine behaviour is good early on in life, it does pose a few problems later. The behaviour is so ingrained into the personality, it is quite impossible to stop. Some women will clearly like the idea of her husband having a ‘group love-in’ with her friends, but a majority will not. Anyone lucky enough to have a wife in the former category has hit pay-dirt and will be the envy of all men. If in the latter category, a change of character is required or more drastic action may be taken by the wife. Contrary to popular belief, a Bobbit is not a hair cut, at least not in the conventional sense. Once a warning has been issued, it is wise to obey, especially when issued by a feisty ginger haired lady.

Being ‘just camp enough’ is fine for attracting women, but also sends out completely the wrong message. Clearly, men are far better cooks than women (see a list of top chefs for evidence), but men shouldn’t cook. It is womens work. After all, what else do they have to do? Men shouldn’t be able to shop for Britain. This again is a female attribute specifically designed to ensure their man remains penniless. Men shouldn’t know about clashing colours. Unless they are careful, these ‘new men’ could soon find themselves unable to parallel park, find their way from A to B, or read a map. However, Lawrence Lleweyln-Bowen would certainly appreciate their home décor.


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