Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Inappropriate Use of Paint

As a driver in todays world, little annoys me and my passenger more than the inappropriate use of paint on todays roads. Travel down any road and you can guarantee within a day or two, large amounts of white/green/red paint will have been splashed all over it. Why is this necessary? Are drivers really so dumb they need warning of every little approaching danger, or is it a sign of the times where massive amounts of money must be expended to try and remove every danger?

Why is government giving councils money to create bike lanes? Not only are these road freeloaders utilising tarmac that could otherwise be usefully employed by motor vehicles, but they are often fully fledged members of the environmentally friendly mafia, intent on showing their moral superiority and green credentials. Well, there is nothing morally superior about turning up wet and knackered at work each morning. Not only are they getting in the way of motorists who have actually paid to use the roads, but the white paint used to denote the killing zones is unsightly. The government don't seem to have realised most cyclists don't like cycle lanes (except when physically seperate from the roads) as they consider them more dangerous than normal roads. Why should cyclists be able to use our roads without first paying a road fund licence anyway? They merely serve as distractions and cause unsightly marks to your paintwork as you nudge them aside.

Red and green paint are often applied to areas considered particularly dangerous by some office bound civil servant. The average motorist is obviously blind and stupid and therefore requires some jumped up cost overhead to this country pointing out the bleeding obvious. Normally the paint is associated with specially laid areas of the new 'high-grip' tarmac. You know, the stuff that is lethal for several months after it is laid!! The concept of actually repairing roads to a reasonable standard, removing pot-holes etc., is lost upon these people who would rather go wild with a tin of spray Dulux, resulting in something akin to a Andy Warhol painting. So, whilst the road surface slowly degrades to the standard of a bridleway or worse, the motorist can sleep easy knowing it will be a very colourful bridleway.

Finally, the worst possible offence any council employee could commit is the removal of large areas of tarmac from motorists use. I regularly travel down roads with huge areas of cross-hatching for no good reason. If you're going to do this, why lay the tarmac in the first place? Every motorist should see it as their righteous duty to utilise every possible inch of tarmac regardless of road markings and therefore ensure the maximum efficiency of the road. An unused piece of tarmac is a wasted piece of tarmac and as the motorist is paying, that is a crime.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Are drivers really so dumb they need warning of every little approaching danger, or is it a sign of the times where massive amounts of money must be expended to try and remove every danger?"

Erm ... actually YES!!!

9:09 am  
Blogger Sam Getsalot said...

Well Dave, you can obviously speak for yourself, but not for others please. Danger on the roads is simply natural selection at its best. If we keep the c**p drivers alive by warning them of every danger, the standard of driving will never improve. However, if they are not warned, the standard will improve as the rubbish drivers take advantage of these opportunities to rid the gene pool of their contribution. Given a couple of decades, the standard of driving should be universally pretty good.

11:11 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


A Question are there miniroundabouts with this inappropiate use of paint in your area?

1:28 pm  
Blogger Sam Getsalot said...


Don't even talk about mini-roundabouts. The work of the devil. Anyone uttering the words mini and roundabout should be taken outside an shot. Now, dont get me started about speed humps...............

2:00 pm  

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